Podcast IInformation

Are you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see what is going to happen next in podcasting. Here’s the deal and I think you all know were I am coming from so read this through to the end.
1. If you’re a Tech Podcaster and if you have not applied for membership, all I can say is you should visit the site fill out a membership form and for nothing else get aligned. There is no obligation you just have to agree to the charter and basic membership agreement. You are in no way locked into the group. If you are not in podcasting for the commercial aspect that is cool also, and our doors are open to everyone as we have two membership levels. But it starts with a basic membership. If you look at the list of people that are members I think you will understand why we say If it’s Tech, It’s here. You don’t have to wait for someone to call you and invite you to join you can apply today and we will give you a response within a week or so. If you decide to kick it up a notch and become an affiliate once approved as a member and participate in the revenue aspects that opportunity exist also.
2. For the rest of the podcasters if your looking to connect up with reputable companies that are looking to put ad spots in your shows and help cover some expenses or more, drop me a line at [email protected] and I will send you a questionnaire that you can fill out, and as opportunities come my way I will facilitate getting you connected with companies looking to work with podcasters that meet their needs. I have a motto that I am living today to the fullest. That motto is Podcasters do the Work, Podcasters get Paid. There is no commitment on your part only a desire by me to help bring some parties together. If your really serious then we can guide you to help get your show and website dialed in.
Lets face it though audiences do not want to hear 10 advertisements during our shows. But polling shows they will listen to one that is 30 seconds long so as it is added value to them. I feel there are more companies willing to work with podcasters now, then there is ad space, in shows willing to carry them. Some of you will say we don’t want no stinking commercials and that is fine I am all about personal choice. I truly believe though that the tidal wave that is approaching shore is going to be a here a lot sooner than we think it will be.
I am not making any promises only a commitment to try and connect those of you looking for sponsors with organizations that will fit your brand. When I receive a call asking to put their non tech brand on my show that does not fit but it may fit some of you out their that hook up with us.
If nothing else and I have said this from the beginning were going to have a lot of fun.
Podcast Connect Inc.
[email protected]