RawVoice is Proud to announce the largest podcast advertising deal ever executed! With 3 combined advertising deals and the addition of GotoMyPC as a new sponsor have resulted in the largest continuous number of Podcast participating in ad campaigns that we are aware of. All independent podcasters are participants on the RawVoice family of websites.
We are proud to have the Grammar Girl Podcast and several shows from the QDNow Network participating in this new campaign along with Podcasts from both the Blubrry.com and PodcasterNews.com communities.
RawVoice has been able to guarantee multiple of millions listener impressions each month for GotoMyPC through these Podcast which we negotiated the advertising deals for. We are excited to add GotoMyPc to our list of long term subscribers.
You can get a free trial of GotoMyPc at gotomypc.com/podcast