Welcome Media Buyer

It was my pleasure today to provide you with my book on Podcasting, as a walk away gift from the podcast media presentation you attended today, it is my goal to give you a lasting insight beyond the presentation into the world of Podcasting. The first chapter captures the essence of the media evolution and makes you realize the power of walk away content.
Over the next several years people are going to become more empowered by the tools they carry, they will not only be consumers of media but also producers of media, being able to report live from any event on the planet through technology once reserved to the mainstream media.
Newspapers are on the decline and the world continues to migrate on line, and we know that the companies you represent are ready to embrace this new media evolution and allow the creative minds at the companies I represent to help you bring a fresh media approach to our collective audiences.
Most of all enjoy the book and join the evolution in media and I look forward to working with all of you in this great adventure.
Todd Cochrane

Podcast News Module Added to Google

My team is pretty happy this morning we are proud to announce that our Podcaster News Latest 5 Google Personalized Home application has been listed in the Google Module area. This is a way to listen to the last 5 podcast created on the Podcaster News Network and is resulting in a dramatic increase in content listens on the network!
Please follow the instruction to Add the PodcasterNews Module to your Google Personalized Home Page.
a. Login to Google Personalized Home Page
a. Click this Link
c. Click Add on the Podcaster News 5 module
d. Your all set enjoy PCN content!

Podcast Awards Sponsorship Drive Underway!

Well we are six months away from the start of the 2006 People’s Choice Podcast Awards and I have sent all of last years sponsors an invitation to participate again this year as they are being given the option to jump on board first. I was happy to see this morning that PodKive.com is the first company to jump on board with a sponsorship for a second year in a row.
If your company would like to become one of the Sponsors for the 2006 People’s Choice Podcast Awards details can be found at PodcastAwards.com