
Podcast Connect is proud to Announce the Official Launch of Tech Podcast a hybrid directory of Tech Podcast!
Tech Podcasts Site Launch
The Tech Podcasts website at, a hybrid directory of tech podcasts, was officially re-launched today with new features. The Tech Podcasts site launch comes with renewed dedication by those participating to solidify the Tech Podcast community.
Tech Podcasters wishing to join the Tech Podcasts site must first submit a request to be a member to [email protected] and agree to the site’s common goals. Those involved with are building a community of podcasters with the intention of creating content that marketers can favorably align themselves with.
Tech Podcasters have made steady progress towards common ideals and goals, and while respecting each others brand have agreed in part to work together to the best of their ability.
You will want keep a eye on the site as new features will be added daily. Look for member profiles and a full calendar of when Podcasts from the Tech Podcast groups will be available on the web. We will also be bringing you tutorials on podcasting and a range of other materials that the organization will publish.
Thank You
Tech Podcasts affiliates

Podcast Connect Launches

Podcast Connect Inc. was founded in 2005 by Todd Cochrane author of Podcasting The Do It Yourself Guide and Founder of Geek news Central and the Geek News Central Podcast. He is also the co-founder of which is the worlds largest technical podcasting organization. Additional the Podcaster News Network which is launching in Nov of 2005 as a independent company was the brain child of Podcast Connect Inc founder.
The Mission of Podcast Connect is simple. Create a number of Podcast Brands that will provide a umbrella of services for consumers, and podcasters. To align quality audio shows with quality advertisers to promote business and brand building Ultimately with the end goal of “Podcasters do the work, Podcasters get paid.”
Advertisers: If you are an advertising firm desiring or are the ad placement agent for your company, Podcast Connect Inc has a proven track record of connecting podcasters and advertisers. Many podcasters shows sizes are such that it is not worth your time to sign individual ad inserts. We help you find a cadre of shows that meet your market and do a bulk insert of your promotion. You sign one deal with us we handle the rest of the insertion order details. For more info [email protected]
Note: The podcasting model is different in that, we can reach a very highly targeted audience that being said we will work with you to make sure your key points are strategically placed use our experience and guidance to make you advertising spots work. Podcast audiences will not put up with a hard sell we will show you how to get your message delivered effetively. We have survey information that we can share with you on ways to best place your ad spots and help you get maximum ROI on any ad insert. All Ad inserts are negotiated independently. Please realize their are currently more advertisers than their are podcasters willing to take advertising, keep that in mind with your discussions with us.
Todd Cochrane CEO
Podcast Connect Inc.
5032 Kamehameha LP
Honolulu Hawaii 96818
808-741-4923 (HST) (-3 Pacific)

Our Mission

The Mission of Podcast Connect is simple. Create a number of Podcast Brands that will provide a umbrella of services for consumers, podcasters. . This is our roll-out plan. an independent website that I am part of will official launch in March 2005 with it’s own brand. It is a group of Tech Podcasters working together, promoting each other and protecting each others interest.
In May 2005 Podcast-One will launch. Podcast One will be companies and individuals one source to production and consulting services for those wishing to create podcast.
In June 2005 the 1st annual Peoples Choice Podcast Awards will kickoff !
In July 2005 Podcast Stream will launch with a service to bridge the power of walk away content with those using traditional streaming services.
Mid year 2005 will see the launch of the Podcaster News Network with Domestic Sports, News, Technology, Business, Science, Politics. At the Same time we will Launch Podcast International that will cover the same topics on a International Scale
This is a very aggressive schedule and is not without challenges. We are looking for Investors, Podcasters, Sponsors and anyone else that wants to work with the Podcast Connect family. We are not asking you to sell your brand only align with us to utilize the resources of what we are organizing.
Get involved [email protected]