Nominations are open for the People’s Choice Podcast Awards. A lot of work has been put forth to get the site ready and foot work by Chantal to try and secure sponsors. Their are still sponsor spots available. Contact [email protected] for info.
Please support all of the sponsors and visit the sites of those that have donated towards the contest success. This is a 100% non profit event for Podcast Connect Inc., and we will be using all raised funds for prizes and assisting in the awards ceremony at Podcast Expo in November.
Nominate all of your favorite shows as nominations are open for the next two weeks. []
Podcast IInformation
Are you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting to see what is going to happen next in podcasting. Here’s the deal and I think you all know were I am coming from so read this through to the end.
1. If you’re a Tech Podcaster and if you have not applied for membership, all I can say is you should visit the site fill out a membership form and for nothing else get aligned. There is no obligation you just have to agree to the charter and basic membership agreement. You are in no way locked into the group. If you are not in podcasting for the commercial aspect that is cool also, and our doors are open to everyone as we have two membership levels. But it starts with a basic membership. If you look at the list of people that are members I think you will understand why we say If it’s Tech, It’s here. You don’t have to wait for someone to call you and invite you to join you can apply today and we will give you a response within a week or so. If you decide to kick it up a notch and become an affiliate once approved as a member and participate in the revenue aspects that opportunity exist also.
2. For the rest of the podcasters if your looking to connect up with reputable companies that are looking to put ad spots in your shows and help cover some expenses or more, drop me a line at [email protected] and I will send you a questionnaire that you can fill out, and as opportunities come my way I will facilitate getting you connected with companies looking to work with podcasters that meet their needs. I have a motto that I am living today to the fullest. That motto is Podcasters do the Work, Podcasters get Paid. There is no commitment on your part only a desire by me to help bring some parties together. If your really serious then we can guide you to help get your show and website dialed in.
Lets face it though audiences do not want to hear 10 advertisements during our shows. But polling shows they will listen to one that is 30 seconds long so as it is added value to them. I feel there are more companies willing to work with podcasters now, then there is ad space, in shows willing to carry them. Some of you will say we don’t want no stinking commercials and that is fine I am all about personal choice. I truly believe though that the tidal wave that is approaching shore is going to be a here a lot sooner than we think it will be.
I am not making any promises only a commitment to try and connect those of you looking for sponsors with organizations that will fit your brand. When I receive a call asking to put their non tech brand on my show that does not fit but it may fit some of you out their that hook up with us.
If nothing else and I have said this from the beginning were going to have a lot of fun.
Podcast Connect Inc.
[email protected]
The Best Tech Show for the Common Man available via Podcast
Honolulu, Hawaii. (June 2, 2005) Podcast Connect, Inc., parent company of, one of the top technical podcast worldwide, announced today a major long-term sponsorship deal with The Geek News Central Podcast is produced and released twice weekly on Tuesday and Friday at 6 a.m. (EST).
“This is one of the first long-term sponsorship deals to hit the Podcasting Channel,” says Todd Cochrane, host of the Geek News Central Podcast, and author of the first book on podcasting, “Podcasting: The Do It Yourself Guide” (
Geek News Central is uniquely positioned to deliver great incentives for Go Daddy products and services in the coming months. Readers of the Geek News Central website and listeners of the Geek News Central podcast will be able to take advantage of special pricing on Go Daddy products.
Cochrane says this is the perfect marketing fit. “I have used Go Daddy products for a long time, and their product line is one I endorse and stand behind.”
The Geek News Central website is currently hosted on a Go Daddy Virtual Dedicated Server. Additionally, Cochrane has over 30 domains registered through the Go Daddy domain registration service.
The Geek News Central website is where Cochrane and his crew of associate editors talk about technology, fair use, DRM, and other significant world events. Cochrane’s podcast is a reflection of the website. His shows and website cover important issues including strong family values (his show is child safe and educational). Not only does Todd talk tech and bring the topics down to a level that the average person can understand, but he also has his thumb on the heartbeat of the podcasting community.
Detailed descriptions of prior shows can be found at The show is always free and lots of fun.
About Podcast Connect, Inc.
Podcast Connect Inc. ( is the world’s leading innovator in podcast marketing, with administrative management of the fast-growing Tech Podcasts Network (, They also host and manage the 2005 People’s Choice Podcast Awards (, which gets underway on June 15, 2005. The Podcast Connect Team is fast developing itself into a powerhouse marketing arm for the Podcasting Community. Their mission statement is simple: podcasters do the work, podcasters get paid. Their model is based on trust and respect with good moral and family values.
Todd Cochrane Founder
[email protected]
5032 Kamehameha Lp.
Honolulu Hawaii 96818
Podcasting The Do It Yourself Guide
Our CEO Authors Book on Podcasting:
Podcast Connect is proud to announce that our CEO, Todd Cochrane has published the first book on Podcasting; Podcasting The Do it Yourself Guide. Which is available today at here is the press release from Wiley publishing. The Podcasting Book will be published under their Extreme Tech Series. For more details visit the Geek News Central website To contact Todd for a interview or consultation [email protected]
CONTACT: Johanna Wahl
[email protected]
Do It Yourself Guide
It’s like TiVo for audio programming. Podcasting, one of the newest crazes to hit the online world, enables subscribers to listen to audio content anytime, anywhere on their personal MP3 player, computer, or even cell phone. All they need to do is download some free software and sign up to receive automatic downloads of their favorite internet broadcasts be it music, news, or talk. Podcasting pushes content out to subscribers, providing them with continuous access to updated audio content of all kinds. Where does this content come from? It just so happens anyone can create his or her own podcast. PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide (Wiley; June 2005; $19.99), part of the ExtremeTech series, shows readers not only how to find, download, and listen to podcasts, but also how to create a podcast of their own.
Armed with a basic knowledge of PCs, weblogs, the Internet, and a copy of PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide, readers can become the hosts of their own radio-style show. Step-by-step instructions explain
-Creating a podcast with just a PC or Mac
-Building a more professional recording studio
-Integrating on-air phone calls, interviews, music and more
-Dealing with copyright, music ownership, creative commons, and RIAA issues
-Integrating advertising into broadcasts
-Hosting and distributing podcasts
-Understanding the geeky stuff RSS, XML and Enclosures
Podcasting has taken the online world by storm, and even some traditional radio stations have begun to experiment with delivering their content using this technology. But is doesn’t take a professional to create a podcast. PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide puts the power of broadcasting into the hands of anyone who feels they have something to say.
Todd Cochrane (Honolulu, HI) is the owner and host of Geek News Central, a popular technology news hub and weblog that serves more than 250,000 weekly visitors. Always on the cutting edge, Todd’s podcasts, which began in Oct 2004, were among the first, and after only 6 months had nearly 10,000 listeners with the audience growing at about 15% per month. The popularity of his podcasts has drawn the attention of Fortune 500 companies and he was one of the first to actually have advertisers on his podcast.
PODCASTING: Do It Yourself Guide
By Todd Cochrane
Published by Wiley
Publication Date: May 30, 2005
$19.99; Paperback; 314 pages; ISBN: 0-7645-9778-7
Wiley is a global knowledge company with a diverse portfolio of technology, business, consumer and how-to brands, computer-based learning tools, Web-based products and Internet e-services. Wiley’s best-selling brands and imprints include Jossey-Bass, For Dummies, Betty Crocker, Culinary Institute of America (CIA), Bible, CliffsNotes, Howell Book House, Frommer’s, Unofficial Guides, Visual, Weight Watchers, Wrox, JK Lasser, and Webster’s New World. Wiley has thousands of active titles in 39 languages and also owns the Websites, and
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Wiley and the Wiley Publishing logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates and may not be used without written permission. ExtremeTech is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc.
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Last Updated
Tech Podcast Network If it’s Tech it’s Here!
Honolulu, Hawaii. (May 26, 2005), the top technical podcast resource worldwide, announced today that the network reached 100,000 Podcast Listeners in April. In addition Tech Podcasts Network recorded over 167,000 podcast downloaded in the same period. This network has grown like wild fire with 16 shows reporting in April, with our membership growing to over 40 shows in may.
Since its inception in January of 2005, has been working to develop a highly accurate picture of reporting our reporting member’s network audience size. Utilizing a proprietary log analysis tool developed within the membership, we guarantee our listener totals are verifiable and credible. has built and is improving audience size statistics that will give the community and companies an accurate gauge of our market penetration.
With the announcement that Apple has its eye on the podcast community with the iTunes media player being adapted, to fully support podcasting under a single software application, this should be an indicator to companies wanting to market on podcast that this is the fastest growing audio distribution medium on the Internet. has taken great care, and has chosen to only announce what we can absolutely verify this has resulted in a degree of conservative reporting. For a white paper on the process we use to measure our totals e-mail [email protected]
It should be recognized that the Tech Podcasts Network has several members that have standard Audio Streams and adding those totals to our reporting numbers would have resulted in an additional 400,000 downloads and unknown number of unique listeners.
About the Tech Podcast Network is a multi-national membership organization, developed to promote, and serve technology based podcast and audio streaming shows.
The network is the premier source for technical audio shows on the Internet. has attracted and is in the process of signing major sponsors, and advertisers. Your company can also be aligned with branded shows, providing a fit that matches each company’s marketing needs. Contact [email protected] Network is family of Audio programs that all have agreed to a set core values, all members have agreed to assure a G-type rating on all show materials.
The network has a unique business model with 2 membership levels. Not all members can or want to participate in the commercial aspect of the program yet actively work to build the overall network. Those members that desire to explore the commercial aspect are the only shows that we process their statistics and report.
Find more information about Tech Podcasts Network at and see why this network of audio shows, is a brand that companies and listeners can trust.
– Tech Podcasts Network –
The People’s Choice Podcast Awards Site Launches
Podcast Connect the host of The People’s Choice Podcast Awards Site is happy to announce it’s full launch. This is a 100% non profit event, but we are seeking sponsors to help with prizes for the winners. Be sure to check out the site and the sponsorship availabilities. Sponsorship slots are limited. []
Podcast Award Sponsors Wanted and Contest Details
As announced in February we have been busy preparing for The 2005 Peoples Choice Podcast Awards. We have been real busy behind the scenes here getting ready for the official launch of the website. The launch of the site and the announcement of the categories will be happening within the next week.
This is going to be a great time for you to get your listeners ready to particpate in the contest. We are also very happy to be having the awards ceremony during Podcast Expo and look forward to seeing podcasters worldwide attend Podcast Expo and meet the forthcoming winners.
We will start the nomination process on June 15th with voting commencing in July.
I had contemplated trying to have the site be 100% podcaster supported to keep the site non-commercial. In order to raise the type of funds we need, to really make this a special event I have opted to sign advertisers.
We have a sponsorship goal amount and it is not small. The goal amount will allow us to award great prizes to the winners, and for the two top categories we are actually going to help the podcaster get to Podcast Expo in Nov by off-setting some of the travel expenses and pay for their entrance fee.
The Podcast Awards administratively is being handled by Podcast Connect but this will be a non-profit event.
The site is going to see an unbelievable amount of traffic during the contest and through next year. So sponsors will see a huge number of banner exposures and we feel we are giving exceptional value to those firms and organizations that become sponsors.
We are now looking for sponsors and before we step outside the podcast community we will be seeking solicitations from within.
We have 5 levels of Sponsorship
Platinum (2) Spots Available
Gold (3) Spots Available
Silver (20) Spots Available
Prize Donation
Individual Donations
A Platinum Sponsor ($2000.00) will get a banner advertisement at the top of the site 468×60 and will have the choice of sponsoring one of the following two categories. The Peoples Choice Podcast of the Year or The Best Produced Podcast. You advertisement will remain on the site until the 2006 podcast awards. Your sponsorship donation will go towards paying for the prize and off setting travel expenses of the winner to Podcast Expo in November. Your companies name will be emblazed on one of the prizes and if your company is in attendance at Podcast Expo, we will take your picture with the winner and place that photo on the website along with being included in any national press releases. In addition you will be given a page on the website to place commercial content which will be linked from our sponsor’s page to describe your company. Any interviews by the Podcast Awards staff will make ever attempt to mention our Platinum Sponors.
A Gold Sponsors ($1000.00) will be give banner ad space 120×240 on the left or right columns of the website and be recognized as a Gold Sponsor at the awards ceremony. You advertisement will remain on the site until the 2006 podcast awards. Your sponsorship donation will go into the general fund and be used to pay for awards in the remaining categories. You do have the option to be a specific category sponsor. You will be given 1/2 page on Gold Sponsors page to describe your product or service.
A Silver Sponsor ($500.00) will be allowed to place a mini banner ad on the left and right hand columns of the website 88×31. You advertisement will remain on the site until the 2006 podcast awards. Your sponsorship donation will go into the general fund and be used to pay for awards in the remaining categories. You will be given 1/4 page on Silver Sponsors page to describe your product or service.
Prize Donation companies wanting to donate prizes to be distributed as we see fit or to a specific category your prize will be listed in the specific category with a link on our site going to a page that describes your donated prize and links and information to your company. If your prize is an equal or higher value than a Silver Sponsor you will be allowed an 88×31 banner on the website.
Individual Donations if you are a individual and want to donate funds towards podcast awards we will have a rotataing blogroll that will feature those that have contributed to the site including a page with your name and website listed. A minimum of $50.00 donation will be required
If you are interested in being a sponsor contact [email protected] Update
The Tech Podcasts Network announce today the release of the Charter and Membership document.
In a Statment Posted on []
We are currently working on the affiliates document which will spell out the rules that members will have to adhere to in order to become an affiliate.
We have been hard at work behind the scenes to come up with verifiable numbers on how many listeners, are tuning in to the current family of programming, we are very close to releasing our first reports. Today we do not care if that number is 20,000 to 250,000 weekly listeners so long as we know what the number is and can build from that point. As we now start to review the dozens of request for membership, we will be looking for quality not quantity. Not everyone will be approved, those that are not will be told why and will be allowed to apply again when our criteria is met.
Our goal is to make this networks programming of independent Tech Podcasters the best on the Internet today. Our content is Family and Work safe. We value everyone of our listeners and hope you continue to be part of our family. We are developing a brand that consumers and advertisers can trust. Please feel free to particpate in our forums and ask questions and make suggestions.
If you are interested in sponsorship on the Tech Podcasts Network we are a few weeks away from being able to help you build your brand. You should send inquiries to [email protected] those interested in becoming a member of Tech Podcasts please review these guidlines.
Last Updated
Company Update
Things have been busy. With the organization of everything going on over at and getting ready to really dig into “The People Choice Podcast Awards I have not had much time to even breath.
I have a stack of sites that want to become involved in our Podcast News Network fortunately we are a few months away from getting really serious about getting all of that ready to roll. So much to do and so little time.
You only need look at what is happening with Podcasting at this moment to realize that a lot is happening in the channel. When you are not rich and famous all you can do is build it one day at a time and focus on the important things like the podcasters and keep on having fun.
I am looking for a Sponsor to help out with one extra conference that we did not have in the budget. If you are interested in sponsoring Podcast Connect or Geek News Central to Gnomedex 5.0 then drop me an e-mail. I may let you in on a little secret that would sweeten the deal enough to make you want to write me a check on the spot.
Podcast Connect and the Creator of the Geek News Central Podcast
The 2005 Peoples Choice Podcast Awards
Will be kicking off June 15th 2005 and we are now looking for corporate sponsors. We have already received some inquiries but if your company would like to become an Award Sponsor please send inquiries to [email protected]
With a limited number sponsor spots available we want to give those of you involved in podcasting a chance to become sponsors.
The 2005 Peoples Choice Podcast Awards Ceremony will be held during Podcast Expo ( November 11th and 12th in Ontario California.
This is an event that could result in National Media Attention for your Company!
[email protected]